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PGDAC | Effective Communication |Self Introduction Template
-Class taught by Dr. Sreystha Beppari
Table of contents
No headings in the article.
Self Introduction is an integral part of interviews and HR rounds as it opens up the dice for the interviewer to get a gist of what kind of a person you are. Believe it or not, but as an interviewee, you have got only the first 40 seconds to 1 minute to make or break your impression. If you mess this up, chances are you won't be shortlisted by the interviewer.
Now that we have established the importance of Self Introduction, the question is
How are we supposed to deliver it? How to make a lasting impression? How to ensure that the interviewer selects you over the other candidates?
Well, there are way too many variables to the result but a good start can go a long way in improving your chances of getting hired.
To be honest there is no one proven way that guarantees results. The Self Introduction of a person can be of many many types and forms however, from an interviewer's perspective, Dr. Sreystha Beppari has kindly shared an Effective Template for Self Communication.
The self-introduction can be broken down into 6 parts.
1. Myself
2. Academics
3. Project
4. Skills and Competency
5. Awards, Achievements and Extra-Curricular Activities
6. Hobbies and Interests.
This is a very basic and general run down for an interviewee to follow along to ensure that almost all the stuff in his/her self-introduction is covered.
⭐️ While preparing your self-introduction using this template, just put down points into the right buckets. They don't necessarily have to make sure that they are grammatically correct. We will do that once you have filled all of your buckets.
Now for an example, I'll fill in some data in the above-mentioned buckets to give you an idea of how this will sound.
1. Myself:
Name: Abdul Ahad Sheikh
Hometown: Nagpur (was brought up in Wardha)
2. Academics:
10th: 87.63%
12th: 71.23%
Grad: 84.00%
PGDAC: (results are yet to be declared)
3. Project:
(Now, I am deliberately leaving the project part as we are yet to work on this, however, I'll update this section once I have enough content for this)
4. Skills:
Diligent and Prudent
I consider people skills as my strong suit, due to which I have been in various positions of leadership since my middle school days.
I have a good command of English as a language and vocabulary.
5. Awards, Achievements and Extra-Curricular Activities:
I was the school captain and my house captain in my 10th, we won the best house award during my tenure.
I cleared UPSC's NDA-138 and got recommended for Airforce by 17SSB Bangalore. Cleared by CPSS from Mysore.
I have been involved with an NGO back in my town during my college days. I joined Active Buddies Club as a member in December-2019 and worked my way up to the Secretary and CHO of the organization in August-2021.
6. Hobbies and Interests:
I love to read. I have a collection of some 100+ books back in Wardha. (I started a library with a friend as we didn't have one back in my town)
I can sing and also play the keyboard, guitar, drumset and cajon.
Once you're done with this, you can now start to put all the pieces together and make your self-introduction. Let me share how mine would turn out using the data points I identified above.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening,
My name is Abdul Ahad. I was born in Nagpur and brought up in Wardha. I scored 87.63% in my 10th, 71.23% in my 12th and 84.00% in my graduation. I consider myself to be a diligent and prudent person. I believe people skills are my strong suit due to which I have been in position of leadership since middle school. I have a good command of English as a Language and its vocabulary.I was the school captain and house captain in my 10th, we won the best house award during my tenure. I cleared UPSC's NDA-138 and got recommended for Airforce by 17SSB Bangalore. Cleared by CPSS from Mysore. I have been involved with an NGO back in my town during my college days. I joined Active Buddies Club as a member in December-2019 and worked my way up to the Secretary and CHO of the organization in August-2021.
I love to read. I have a collection of some 100+ books. I started a library back in my town with a friend as we did not have one in Wardha. I can sing and play the keyboard, guitar, drumset and cajon.
Done!! That's how easy self-introduction can be. Now, you must know that this is a very basic (and lengthy ... and not perfect) version of my self-introduction. However, now I have a stencil to build upon.
I hope this helps. Share your self-introduction in the comments section. Let me know, if you have any queries here too.
Thank you so much for reading.
Happy Learning!